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Activate (a VeroCard)


Activation is a process we use to link your VeroCard to your VeroID with your PIN. During this process the VeroCard will connect to the VeroGuard Platform and validate its configuration and permissions before requesting you to set your PIN.


Active Directory


An application is used to manage Resources. BoID supports a predefined set of Applications. The current version of BoID support three applications, namely -

  1. AD: Application related to the functionality of Active Directory (AD) login.

  2. STS: Application related to the web application login using OAuth (OpenID Connect). User(s) can be enrolled in multiple applications.

  3. FIDO2: An open standard for passwordless authentication that enhances security by using public key cryptography.


Bureau of Identity.
Bureau of ID service, a Rest API (VeroBureau.API.exe), allows the creation/maintenance of users, and sets the relationship between the VeroCard and user. Uses Open LDAP as the backend database.

Common Criteria

The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (referred to as Common Criteria or CC) is an international standard (ISO/IEC 15408) for computer security certification.

The CC is the driving force for the widest available mutual recognition of secure IT products, which are commonly used by High Assurance organisations such as Defence Forces, Governments and Banks.


A Hardware Security Module (HSM) is a physical computing device that safeguards and manages secrets (most importantly digital keys), performs encryption and decryption functions for digital signatures, strong authentication and other cryptographic functions.


PCI PTS (Payment Card Industry PIN Transaction Security) refers to a set of security requirements focused on characteristics and management of devices used in the protection of cardholder PINs and other payment-processing related activities. The requirements are for manufacturers to follow in the design, manufacture and transport of a device.


Every Application has a set of rules, attributes, and parameters to operate. These attributes and parameters are referred to as Resources. Every Resource has a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) reference attribute, which is used as an account identifier. Each Application can have one or more resource with different Resource attributes.

For example, the “AD” Application will require a Resource containing the user password change frequency, whereas the “STS” Application will not.


Refers to the group of permissions assigned to a particular user (i.e., defines what a user can or cannot do when accessing a website). 


The VeroCard is an ultra-secure, compact, unified, and portable digital identity that fits in your wallet.

VeroGuard Platform

The VeroGuard Platform is a Common Criteria certified, unified, and universal identity solution designed to securely verify parties online through HSM-to-HSM (Hardware Security Module-to-Hardware Security Module) connections.

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