On Premises AD - Workstation Setup
Install the Serenity Windows client
Each PC which will be accessed via VeroCard will need to have Serenity Login installed on their devices to enable secure authentication and communications with VeroCards.
Install Serenity on the target machine, following the prompts on the installation wizard
Test the Login
Unless otherwise instructed:
Leave the destinations folder as the default location
Leave the VeroGuard Host as the default api.veroguard.online
Once this is completed the User Log in Screen will change to the VeroGuard Serenity Login screen.

Installation of Serenity Login can be completed without impact to the end user even before they have been issued with a VeroCard. Users can click on the “Enter Password Manually” link to enable a password box on the screen instead of the VeroCard selector dropdown.
Next Steps
Please follow the User Guides
Activate your VeroCard - Active Directory (On-premise)