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Activating your VeroCard using Citrix

To be able to follow these instructions you must have had your corporate network integrated with VeroGuard, and the installation of the Citrix VeroCard Login on your Citrix Gateway. You must also have had your individual user account configured for VeroCard use and be in possession of your VeroCard.

Once you have completed this process you will use your VeroCard to log into your Citrix Gateway with the “Login with VeroCard” button, and instead of entering a password you will be prompted to enter your PIN on the VeroCard.  The remainder of the process is the same; you will need to open a browser and navigate to the normal address for your Citrix gateway.

 You must however use a compatible browser. Currently supported browsers are the latest version of Chrome and Edge.  If you do not currently use either of these browsers, you will need to download and install the one of your choice. If you currently use one of these, we recommend that you make sure it is updated to the latest version.

​​Activating my VeroCard


Before you begin this process, make sure:

  • You have the latest version of Chrome or Edge installed on your device.

  • Your device has Bluetooth turned on (if your device does not have Bluetooth, you need to install the Bluetooth adapter provided in the VeroCard box).

  • You have a live internet connection.

  1.  Open a Chrome or Edge browser on your device and navigate to your Citrix Gateway page

  2. Turn on your VeroCard by pressing the button on the top left-hand edge of the card

  3. Wait for the VeroCard to complete its boot up process (takes only a few seconds). When ready it will display its VeroCard number and the text Ready for Activation.

Ready for activation.jpg
  1. On the Citrix Gateway page enter your username as you normally do and then click the Log On With VeroCard Button.

Citrix Gateway login page_edited.png

Citrix Logon Screen

  1. The browser will now load a dialog box showing the Bluetooth/BLE connections and any available VeroCards to try to pair with. If multiple cards are available, they will also be listed. If you have previously paired a card with the browser then the list will show as 1000000000000017 - Paired.

Citrix pairing screen.png
  1. Click on the card number displayed of the card you want to pair with, so that it is highlighted, and the Pair button will turn blue. Click Pair. This process is the same regardless of whether you have paired previously.

  2. The VeroCard will now connect to the device via Bluetooth, and you will see the Bluetooth icon appear on the VeroCard.

Ready for activation BT.jpg
  1. The browser will show the message VeroCard Activation Required and the Login with VeroCard button in the Citrix login page will now change to Activate VeroCard. Click OK on the message and click the “Activate VeroCard” button which will launch the Pairing Process a second time. Repeat steps 5 and 6 above.

Citrix Gateway - Activate VeroCard Screen.png
  1. The VeroCard will display Activating.

  1. If the VeroCard software requires an update, this will be downloaded and installed first. During the process both the VeroCard and website will display progress messages. It is important to keep your device or laptop active whilst this is happening to allow the VeroCard to use the device’s internet connection. Once completed the VeroCard will restart and return to the Ready for Activation screen requiring you to reconnect the VeroCard with steps 4 and 5.

  2. The VeroCard will now prompt you to enter your PIN. Enter your PIN, using a minimum of 4 digits and press the “Green Tick”. You will be asked to enter your PIN twice to make sure you type it in correctly. The PIN length can be 4 to 12 digits (ISO 9564), however we recommend at least a 6-digit PIN. VeroGuard advises you read our article "A better PIN" and then select a PIN you can remember which is not easily guessed.

Set initial PIN.jpg
  1. The VeroCard will restart to normal operation mode and display Ready to Vero.

Ready to Vero.jpg
  1. Your VeroCard is now ready to use for login.

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