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Getting Started with VeroCard

Getting your new VeroCard set up and working takes only a few minutes. To help you get up and going quickly, simply follow the steps below.

VeroGuard can be used across multiple environments, so you need to understand which one(s) you will be using so you can follow the right instructions. Getting your VeroCard set up involves a one-time process to Activate your VeroCard, where you will set your secret PIN. Your PIN and VeroCard will then replace passwords wherever your device and/or accounts have been enabled.

Activation requires a live internet connection.

💻 Current Supported Environments

  1. Logging on to your work PC network joined to either Active Directory or Entra (Azure Active Directory).

  2. Logging in to websites using OAuth or FIDO2.

  3. Logging into Citrix.

To help you get up and going quickly, please identify your use case and then follow the appropriate steps below. Please check with your IT team if unsure.

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